Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration

Blessed Sacrament Chaplet


These consist of a medal of the Blessed Sacrament and thirty-three beads, recalling the thirty-three years of Christ’s life on earth.

On the medal one makes a spiritual communion as follows:

As I cannot now receive Thee, my Jesus, in Holy Communion, come spiritually into my heart and make it Thine own forever

On each bead say:

 Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us!

(Source: “My Treasury of Chaplets” by Patricial S. Quintiliani)


A Short Visit to the Blessed Sacrament Before Meditation

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

I place myself in the presence of Him, in whose Incarnate Presence I am before. I place myself there.

I adore Thee, O my Saviour, present here as God and man, in soul and body, in true flesh and blood.

I acknowledge and confess that I kneel before that Sacred Humanity, which was conceived in Mary’s womb and lay in Mary’s bosom; which grew up to man’s estate, and by the Sea of Galilee called the Twelve, wrought miracles, and spoke words of wisdom and peace; which in due season hung on the cross, lay in the tomb, rose from the dead, and now reigns in heaven.

I praise, and bless, and give myself wholly to Him, Who is the true Bread of my soul, and my everlasting joy.

 (by John Henry Newman)

A Meditation Before the Blessed Sacrament – Jesus

My Child, you need not know much in order to please Me; only love Me dearly. Speak to Me as you would talk to your mother, if she had taken you in her arms. Have you no one to recommend to Me? Tell Me the names of your relations, of your friends; after each name addd what you wish Me to do for them. Ask a great deal. I love generous hearts that forget themselves for others.

Tell me about the poor whom you want to help, the sick whom you have seen suffer, the sinner whom you would covert, the persons who are alienated from you, and whose affections you wish to win back. For all recite a fervent prayer. Remind Me that I have promised to grant every prayer that comes from the hearts; and surely the prayers are heartfelt which we say for those whom we love, and who love us.

Have you no favors to ask for yourself? Write if you like, a long list of all your wishes — all the needs of your soul — and come and read it to Me. Tell Me simply how self-indulgent you are, how proud, how touchy, how selfish, how cowardly, how idle; as Me to help you to improve. Poor child! Do not blush! There are in heaven many saints who had the same faults as you; they prayed to Me, and, little by little, they were cured.

Do not hesitate to ask for the goods of body and mind — for health, for memory, for success. I can give everything, and I always give when the gifts would make souls more holy. What do you want today, My child? Oh, if you knew how I long to do you good!

Have you no plans to interest you? Tell me all about them. Do they concern your vocation? What do you think of? What would you like? Are you planning some pleasure for your mother, for your family, for your guardian? What do you wish to do for them?

And have you no thoughts of zeal for Me? Are you not anxious to do a little good for the souls of your friends, for those whom you love, and who perhaps, forget Me? Tell Me who interests you, what motivates urge you, what means you wish to take.

Confide to Me your failures; I will show you the cause. Whom do you wish to see interested in your work? I am the Master of all hearts, My child, and I lead them gently where I please. I will place about you those who are necessary to you; never fear!

Have you nothing to annoy you? My child, tell Me your annoyances, with every detail. Who has pained you? Who has wounded your self-love? Who has treated you contemptuously? Tell Me all, and then say that you forgive and forget; and I will give you My blessing.

Do you dread something painful? Is there in your soul a vague fear which seems unreasonable, and yet torments you? Trust fully in My providence. I am here. I see everything; I will not leave you.

Are there about you friends who seem less kind then formerly, who neglect you through indifference or forgetfulness, without your having consciously done anything to wound them? Pray for them, and I will restore them to you, if their companionship is good for you.

Have you no joys to tell Me? Why not confide to Me your pleasures? Tell Me what has happened since yesterday to console you, to make you look happy, to give you joy. An unexpected visit has done you good; a fear has been suddenly dispelled; you have met with unlooked-for success; you have received some mark of affections — a letter, a present; some trial has left you stronger than you supposed. All these things, My child, I obtained for you. Why are you not grateful? Why do you not say “I thank you?” Gratitude draws benefits, and the benefactor loves to be reminded of his bounty.

Have you no promises to make Me? You know I read the very bottom of your heart. Men are deceived, but not God; be frank.

Are you resolved to avoid that occasion of sin, to give up the object which leads you astray — not to read that book which excites your imagination; to withdraw your friendship from that person who is irreligious, and whose presence disturbs the peace of your soul? Will you go at once and be kind to that companion who annoyed you?

Well, My child, go now and resume your daily work. Be silent, be honest, be patient, be charitable, love very much the Blessed Mother of Jesus; and tomorrow bring Me a heart even more devoted and loving. Tomorrow I shall have new favors for you.

With Ecclesiastical Approval

An Act of Contrition

Forgive me m sins, O Lord, forgive me my sins; the sins of my youth, the sins of my age, the sins of my soul, the sins of my body, my idle sins, my serious voluntary sins, the sins I know; the sins I have concealed so long, and which are now hidden from my memory.

I am truly sorry for every sin, mortal and venial, for all the sins of my childhood up to the present hour.

I know my sins have wounded Your tender Heart O my Savior, let me be freed from the bonds of evil through the most bitter passion of my Redeemer.


O my Jesus, forget and forgive what I have been. Amen.


Chaplet of the Holy Wounds

Chaplet of the Holy Wounds

This chaplet is prayed on an ordinary rosary.

Make the Sign of the Cross  

On the Crucifix

 Jesus, Divine Redeemer, be merciful to us and to the whole world. 

First of the 3 Beads

Strong God, holy God, immortal God,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Second Bead

Grace and mercy, O my Jesus, during present dangers;
cover us with Your Precious Blood.

Third Bead

Eternal Father, grant us mercy through the Blood of Jesus Christ,
Your only Son; grant us mercy, we beseech You.

On the Large Beads

Eternal Father, I offer You the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ
to heal the wounds of our souls.

On the Small Beads

My Jesus, pardon and mercy through the merits of Your holy wounds.

At the End of the Fifth Decade Recite

Eternal Father, I offer You the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to heal the wounds of our souls. (3x)