Category Archives: Mass Journal


MJ-0503: May 2020



It’s a gift of the Holy Spirit
Joy comes from the conviction that God loves us.
Joy comes from a trust & hope in divine providence.
Joy & courage in the midst of persecution.
Joy comes from prayer.

Placing our happiness in anything but God

–> Focus on God’s indwelling
–> Look at the Lord — HE IS FULL OF JOY! 
His happiness is infectious!!!
–> Live in thanksgiving – count your blessings!
–> Joy is in the form of the cross – in the beatitudes.

MJ-0818: August 2018


Cor mundum crea inme, Deus
[Create in me a clean heart oh God]

Who do YOU say I am?
[Matt 16:13-23]

Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you.

God wrote it on our hearts (Holy Spirit) – [Jer 31:31-34]

Get behind me satan, you are an obstacle to me.
You are thinking NOT as God, but as human beings do.

Christ gave Peter his name.
The devil wanted to use Peter to discourage, so He had to rebuke.
When the Church is attacked, the devil wants to scatter the flock.

We need to pray for one another and our leaders,
especially those with weaker faith.


Who sows bountifully will reap bountifully.

Be a cheerful giver.

He who hates his life in this world,
will preserve it for eternal life.

Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
It remains just grain.
But if it dies, it produces much fruit.
[John 12:24-26]

Where I am, there also will my servant be.

To be a Christian is to be reborn of God.

If we had a strong faith, a living faith, 
if we were bold in making Christ known to others,
we would see with our own eyes miracles
such as those that took place in the time of the Apostles.

Everything comes from God and is directed towards Him.

The action of the Holy Spirit can pass unnoticed
because God does not reveal to us His plans
and because man’s sin clouds over the divine gifts.

But faith reminds us that God is always acting.
He has created us and maintains us in existence,
and He leads all creation by His grace toward
the glorious freedom of the children of God.

The attitude we should adopt to the Holy Spirit is docility.
Be aware of the work of the Holy Spirit.


We are on a journey.
Remember and savor the journey.

Jesus gives us food for the journey.
His flesh is living bread.


We are with a great crowd of witnesses.
We can easily become hardened critics and become blind to truth.

Lord, keep our minds pure and away from evil
so we have the gift of discernment
in ALL things spiritual and physical.
Lord, I pray this in Jesus Name. Amen.

Pray before any work.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hears of the faithful
and enkindle in them the fire of thy love.

Send forth thy Spirit
and they shall be created.
And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Oh God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful
by the light of the Holy Spirit,
grant that by the gift of the same Spirit
we may be always truly wise
and ever rejoice in His consolations,
through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


[Our Lord’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament]


Acts of Faith
Keep the Fast
Thanks After
Dress Modestly and Neat
Receive in the State of Grace

Adoration is valuable outside the mass. 
It is a source of Holiness.

The fruits are:
People develop a deeper relationship with the Lord 
They can recognize His voice
Healings and miracles.

Change the world one hour at a time.


MJ-0115: January 2015


The world is in so much need of Jesus Christ.

Honor Mary.
Her heart is blessed.
She held all these things in her heart.

Ransom means save.
Mary’s house was in Ephesus.


The front of the church I attend caught on fire last night.
[St. Pius X, Rochester, NY]
“The church is a fire.”

Who are you?
Children of God

What are we?


The Church — Catholic Christians

Our words, our actions will tell the community who we are.

All things can be restored in Christ.



Where would you be without religion?
What would your life be like if you still believed in Jesus Christ?
What would it be if you only believed in God — not Jesus?

A-ha! Moment

[light show]

Have you ever had an epiphany?

God is a master at jigsaw puzzles.
He knows where to put all the pieces.



Light can be scary, or it can be comforting
depending upon the source.

Sin is closing our eyes to the light of Christ.

What is at the center of sin?


It’s not all about you.
Get rid of the “i”


Don’t worry about the resources.

When we have an inspiration from God,
to step up to the plate,
God will provide.

God is a wonderful and amazing God.



The trinity is fully present at Jesus’ Baptism
The Voice [God], the Holy Spirit [Dove] and Jesus

[Acts 15]
Jesus came for everybody.

“Following of the Way.”

Include everybody in the Way.
The Truth and the Life.


When you are at communion …
Ask for God’s Will — Honestly.

Pray that hearts will change.

You have been purchased at a great price.

Lord, inspire us to acts of kindness,
lead us to your gentle grace.


White wines don’t last long.
Re wines get better as they age and last for decades.

The difference —

Some things are meant for immediate consumption
and some are meant to wait.

Now, wine needs to be put into new wine skins.
You can’t retrofit the new into the old.
The Holy Spirit will move in hearts and minds.

Listen to the Spirit speaking in our midst.
If we are worrying, fear not.

Change is a chance for God to show us His mercy.
Let go of the old.


Don’t get discouraged about doing good deeds.

God does not forget those who work hard for him.


Moses waited a long time for God to move in his life.
Spirit of the law vs. the Letter of the law

Everyday brings God’s graces.


Pray before making decisions.
[Like Jesus]

The Apostles spent time WITH Jesus
and then were sent out.

We are called by name by the Lord.

Spend time WITH the Lord daily.

Pray and Listen and Respond

How have we been called?

What are we to do?



Follow the call.

Matters of the head.
Jesus speaks to your heart.

Bring faith into your education.

What things have been a part of your foundation?

What building blocks are you adding today,
so that Jesus can hear you?

We need to hear and respond.


Lord, tell me what to do.
I am hurting today.

Motivations of people’s hearts.

When someone does good,
and we read in other motives,
minimizing them …

Think about how the Spirit is working.
Is legalism operating?

Remove those thought from your heart.

We cannot judge.


God’s law is written on our hearts.


He gave us conscience of sin,
unlike in the old testament when one time a year
a sin offering was made and people
didn’t think about their sins.


Relatives are people who do the will of God.
They are not always our blood kin.
We will all be together in heaven.


Allow God to transform your life.


Those who sow in tears, will sing when they reap.


You receive a blessing by your faith in Christ.

When we start to blame, we need to keep our faith.

Wake up in the morning and say
and keep your faith in God.

God will give us the grace we need every day.

Your walk could save others in darkness.