Grace at Mealtimes

Bless us O Lord, and all the people whose labor and love make this meal and God’s mission through us possible.

The farmers and workers,
the truckers and merchants,
the shopkeepers and sellers,
and all who work for an honest day’s wage.

Bless our families and friends living and dead
whose prayers and generosity sustain us
in our lives and work to share God’s gifts
with all we meet, through Christ our Lord.


Prayer for Conversion of a Relative or a Friend

(If the prayer is for a woman, use the feminine pronoun where necessary.)

O Mary, Queen of the Angels and of men, 
behold me an unworthy servant and listen to my prayer
in behalf of (Name) who remains separated from the Church
established by thy Divine Son.

My Mother, dispensatrix of grace, strip from (Name)
the bands of prejudice and ignorance that hold him captive,
and let the true light of Faith enlighten his mind and quicken his will.

Gently draw him my Mother, into the fold of Christ, 
that his salvations may be better secured and that the
Kingdom of God upon earth may grow stronger over
the infernal enemy.


Holy Face of Jesus – a Litany

Holy Face of Jesus … be my joy.
Holy Face of Jesus … be my strength.
Holy Face of Jesus …  be my health.
Holy Face of Jesus … be my courage.
Holy Face of Jesus, Image of the Father … provide for me.
Holy Face of Jesus, Mirror of Thy Priestly Heart … be my zeal.
Holy Face of Jesus, Gift of the Spirit … show me Thy love.
Holy Face of Jesus, saddened by sorrows … grant my requests through Thy merits.