Mass Journal

MJ-0503: May 2020

5-3/20 RADIATE JOY! It's a gift of the Holy Spirit Joy comes from the conviction that God loves us. Joy ...

MJ-0818: August 2018

8-9/2018 Cor mundum crea inme, Deus [Create in me a clean heart oh God] Who do YOU say I am? ...

MJ-0115: January 2015

1-1/15 The world is in so much need of Jesus Christ. Honor Mary. Her heart is blessed. She held all ...

MJ-1214: December 2014

12-1/2014 Being Faithful to Advent. You will be disrupted, but you will miss it later. We can't rush Christmas. Incorporate your ...

MJ-1114: November 2014

11-2/2014 FEAR — The promise of Christ — Life is changed, not ended. What do you believe? Death is Not ...

Collection of Catholic Prayers