Your Testimony

I have been asked to speak at a meeting of Christian Women at the end of May, so I have been praying and preparing outlines, contemplating about what in my faith journey might be helpful. 

Since I have the tendency to over-think everything, to prepare my talk, I have done an exhaustive retrospective on my life in writing and also recorded. This has really helped me to put things into perspective and to try to sort through a lot of things about my life. Sometimes an exercise like this brings light and connects the many “God-incidences” within your life that perhaps you never noticed. 

It can also be process that puts you out of your comfort zone, yet can be a very healing process. 

I was asked to put together a short bio about myself for their program to advertise their meeting. Nothing like having to talk about yourself — when one of the big virtues that I am working on is humility. It has always been a challenge to write about myself in a biography form. Anyway …

As much as I pray to the Holy Spirit and want to simply “WILL” an answer … It usually doesn’t just pop into my head. At least for me it doesn’t always. Sometimes God works in what seems to be indirect ways, yet they are VERY direct.

Case in point.

I stayed up late last night word-smithing my bio, trying to make it sound interesting and relevant to the audience. I was bleerly-eyed after I massaged the message to death and knew that I am never good proofing my own stuff until I have had a chance to step away from it and take a break. 

This morning, checking in to Facebook — to my amusement — one of those “memories” popped up on my feed. There is was staring me in the face:

With a comment along with it:

“You are here for somebody else. You were called for somebody else. The mission of Jesus on earth is finished, but we (Christians) are the continuation of His ministry. We are to shine for others. I need you and you need me. People are looking for witnesses. They are hungry and thirsty. Your mess becomes the message. People will never know the love of God unless they hear about Him. We have to step up.”

The Holy Spirit can be so obviously subtle!

Thank you God.
